

度假? Here's what to do with your pet


Consider this breakdown of your vacation pet care options.


If traveling with your dog or cat isn’t doable, you may worry just as much (if not more!你要把谁留在家里,以及你要在行李箱里装些什么.

在度假时找到合适的猫或狗护理可以帮助你放松心情 help keep your pet happy while their favorite human is away from home.

Options for leaving pets while on vacation

在你开始权衡假期宠物护理选择的利弊之前, 问自己这些问题:

  • What’s my budget for arranging pet care while on vacation?
  • Does my pet prefer the company of others or a familiar environment?
  • Does my pet get along well with strangers?
  • Do I know anyone who can take care of pets?
  • Is my pet okay with being left alone?
  • How much care does my pet need every day? 考虑膳食和饮食需求,药物,运动需求等.

If you’re a pet parent heading out on vacation, 当你要照顾你的狗或猫时,你有几个选择.


Many cats 和 dogs feel most relaxed in the comfort of their own home, so arranging for a pet sitter to come by for meals, 如厕休息和散步是保持他们的环境和日常生活尽可能正常的好方法.

雇佣一个宠物保姆的费用取决于你希望有人来你家的频率和时间. Pet sitters normally check on your pet a few times a day, 但也有猫狗保姆在你家过夜.

上门拜访对低维护成本的狗和大多数猫很有效,但如果你的宠物患有 分离焦虑 或者有特殊需要,你可能会觉得有一个过夜的宠物保姆更舒服.

值得庆幸的是,有多种途径可以找到一个值得信赖和可靠的家庭宠物保姆. 专业的宠物保姆通常训练有素,可以很容易地满足你的特殊需求, 但 professional pet sitting services 也很昂贵. If you need a last-minute pet sitter or your pet needs extra attention, hiring a professional pet sitter is a good way to go.

一个更实惠的选择是让邻居、朋友、同事或家人照看你的宠物. You can even offer your own pet sitting services in exchange! The drawback with a familiar face is that, unlike a professional pet sitter, you may have to ad在这里 to their schedule 和 availability.

宠物相机 与宠物看护服务很好地配合,因为他们可以让你关注你的宠物. 有些甚至有零食分配器,双向交流和额外的方式让你的宠物娱乐.


If hiring a pet sitter to stay in your home is too expensive, 但 you still want your pet to receive the same level of love 和 care, in-home pet boarding might be for you!

安排你的宠物住在另一个保姆的家里,发现你的宠物的家. This option is usually more convenient for the pet sitter, 所以你可能会更幸运地找到一个朋友或亲戚来照看你的宠物. Just check that your sitter’s home is free of any 家庭的危害 or 有毒室内植物.

不用交出你的房子钥匙,这增加了安全感和舒适感, 但 if your pet doesn’t get along well with other animals, you’ll need to find a sitter who doesn’t own any pets.


全天候的宠物护理, consider dropping your pet off at a boarding facility, 犬舍或宠物旅馆. Many facilities require some advance notice, 多么舒适, 你的宠物得到的宠爱和个性化的关注取决于你愿意花多少钱. Walks 和 playtime, for example, usually cost extra.

如果你对第一次把宠物留在寄宿机构感到紧张, consider testing the waters with daycare or even a one-night trial. 一定要问一下有什么特别的,因为设施有时会给新顾客打折.

大多数设施要求证明你的宠物是最新的疫苗接种, 你很可能需要提供你自己的宠物食品和任何必要的药物. Ask if you can bring something from home, 比如玩具或舒适的床, to help give your pet some extra comfort in their new environment!

Our essential pet sitter checklist

Whether you decide to use an in-home pet sitter, a drop-in visitor or a boarding facility, 一个清单是必要的. Your list might include information such as:

  • The type 和 br和 of food your pet typically eats. Don’t forget to include any approved treats 和 to have enough food!
  • Any known allergies or sensitivities.
  • Your pet’s walking schedule or exercise routine.
  • 你的联系方式,也应该包括在你宠物的身份标签上.
  • 哪些玩具对你的宠物来说是安全的,哪些玩具是他们最喜欢的!
  • Any medication(s) your pet takes daily or as needed.
  • Any health or behavioral concerns.
  • 紧急信息包括你的兽医的名字,地址和电话号码,以及证明 宠物健康pp王者电子官网 如果适用的话.

这种类型的信息对于任何宠物护理专业人员来说都是至关重要的, 这样你的宠物在紧急情况下就能得到适当的照顾和治疗.

Since we’re usually out of contact or hard to reach while travelling, 同样重要的是要保护你的宠物,让这些信息清晰易得.


When you can leave your pet in the h和s of someone you trust, you can truly relax 和 make the most of your vacay. 状态 Farm®全体员工祝您在下一次冒险之旅中平安快乐!

发现如何 宠物pp王者电子官网政策 can help provide comfort no matter w在这里 life takes you 和 your pet.

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How to help with 分离焦虑 in dogs



If you take a look around your space, 你可能会发现家庭用品对狗有害,对猫有毒. 帮助 protect your pet — before they get into trouble — with these tips.


Learn about some pet friendly plants, as well as 有毒室内植物 to avoid, to help keep your cat 和 dog happy 和 healthy.

Consider purchasing pet insurance

No pet owner wants the stress of a sick pet or unanticipated bills. 幸运的是,宠物医疗pp王者电子官网可以帮助解决这些意外费用.